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Satellite for the Blind (2016)
Manipulated iPhone video | Sound | Infinite Loop

Previously exhibited in DOUBLE BLIND, First Gallery RMIT University, Melbourne (2016) and VERY UNCO  Torrance Art Museum, California USA, curated by Ian Haig (2017)


Three billiard players receive incoming questions via radio transmission from (unseen) children whenever a billiard ball is struck. The repeating rotation of the camera around the room in conjunction with each child’s query regarding life on an international space station is presented as an analogy to a satellite's continuous orbit around the earth—hence there is no beginning or end to the questions posited by the children. The one actor (Rebecca BOWER) in multiple guises uses a different accent for every answer—creating a disparity between her reliability as a witness to the cosmic sights she describes and the colonial interior setting she inhabits as a faux blind person. The dialogue is derived from a radio interview between vision-impaired Australian children and an American astronaut residing on the international space station, broadcast in 2011. Its appropriation as a transmission interception is situated within a wider context of what constitutes outer space.


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