Kieran Boland
When you're in love with a beautiful woman (2011)
Video | colour | sound | duration 8' 22" | 2009
[1] "Most of the work from that time was done in real time, because editing was just too expensive, so one edited in the camera. I remember this great comment Bill Wegman made: "You can always tell videos from that period, because at the end of the tape, the artist gets up to shut off the camera."
P.36 California Video: Artists and Histories
Edited by Glenn Phillips The Getty Research Institute Los Angeles 2008
[2] "Artists have always been solitary individual characters. Bruce Nauman began using video alone in his studio in 1968 on the West Coast. Les Levine began that year in New York. Keith Sonnier followed in 1969, and soon after William Wegman, Richard Serra, Vito Acconci, John Baldessari, Paul Kos, Joan Jonas, Peter Campus, and many others all began making highly personal, individual tapes, most commonly characterized by the presence of the solitary artist on the screen, often in his or her studio, performing some activity."
- Bill VIOLA
P.128 Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House
Bill Viola MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts 1995